The Hanse Parlament is a well-established umbrella network that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It consists of 50 Chambers of Industry, Commerce, and Handicrafts from 13 countries, representing over 475,000 SMEs in the Baltic Sea region and beyond. The network aims to strengthen the economic performance of its member countries and provide support to SMEs. The Hamburg-based secretariat serves as a service center, think tank, and development department, continuously developing tailored support measures for SMEs. This includes innovative approaches in vocational education and training, promoting cooperation between SMEs and other stakeholders, finding solutions for business succession, emphasizing work-based learning, and promoting the green economy.
Melanie Henke
Project manager at Hanse-Parlament
Melanie has in-depth knowledge of promoting innovation and education in SMEs with the help of digitization measures and has differentiated experience in the implementation of complex, international projects with chambers, universities and further training institutions, specifically within the framework of centres for professional excellence.